Alderton Associates | Health & Safety
The following Health & Safety statement outlines our intent to managing Health & Safety across all aspects of the working environment. Further details of the Health & Safety policy are available on request.
It is the Policy of Alderton Associates Ltd to take all necessary measures to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees and others who may be affected by Alderton Associates Ltd activities. Alderton Associates Ltd shall provide adequate funds & resources in order to continually improve the health & safety performance of Alderton Associates Ltd and to employ competent persons to meet this commitment.
All levels of management will actively promote and support this Health & Safety Policy to ensure effective organisation and arrangements for its implementation.
Alderton Associates Ltd recognises the responsibilities as an employer to undertake all that is reasonably practicable in order to:
Provide and maintain a safe working environment.
Seek to keep accidents to a minimum and take all necessary means to prevent accidents and ill health to all persons who may be affected by the work activities.
Provide a framework for setting and reviewing Occupational Health & Safety objectives in line with company activities.
Ensure the co-operation and co-ordination with other employees, occupiers, contractors and the self-employed.
Provide adequate safety information, instruction, training & supervision.
Monitor and regularly review the performance of activities against the Policy.
Appoint employees accounting for their capabilities when carrying out the work.
Consult with employees on health, safety and welfare matters.
Employ competent Health & Safety advice, to enable Alderton Associates Ltd to comply with statutory legislation and other requirements.
Review the effectiveness of this Policy at least every 12 months, or when new legislation or other requirement has to be taken into account.
Reviewed 06.09.2024​